Policy Statements
- To pursue excellence in teaching, learning and research with social sensitivity.
- The department aims to develop commerce professionals with knowledge and competence to effectively contribute towards building a prosperous national and world community.
- Empowering students with all the knowledge and guidance that they need to become worthy management professionals
- Providing for holistic and value based development of students which ultimately enhances their employability
- Developing social consciousness among students
- Provide a nurturing and motivating environment to exploit the full potential of the students
- To improve the professional skills of students
- To transform the Department of Commerce into a centre of excellence in learning, research and outreach with regard to the discipline of Commerce
- To enable every student to cope up with the latest developments at national and global level through effective transaction of the curricular and co-curricular aspects
- To motivate, mould and prepare the students for positions of leadership in business organisation at National and International level
- To focus on the all-round development of the student’s personality through proper education and exposure to the vast treasure of knowledge.
- To provide exposure to learners in the latest trends in relevant branches of knowledge
- To achieve innovations in teaching-learning, research and extension activities.
- To impart quality and need based education and to sensitize the students to their changing roles in society